Laura Kraus

I rolled out my first yoga mat in 1997 with the expectations of a new type of “workout”. I practiced for years without fully understanding the mind, body, breath connection. I continued for many years with the workout mindset until one day about 10 years ago, when it finally hit me — I can quiet my mind and bring peace to my brain through movement!!

That’s when I started to think about becoming a yoga teacher and going deeper into my practice and learning more about living a yogic life. I completed my 200 hours of training in 2018 and another 300 hours at the Ayurveda and Yoga Institute from 2018-2020.

I am trained in Ayurveda, yin/nidra/restorative yoga and chakra yoga. I have been teaching at the Boonton Holmes Public Library since May of 2018.

How To Plan A Chakra Themed Yoga Class -